“I slept, and dreamed that life was beauty; I woke, and found that life was duty.” (Louisa May Alcott, 1832-1888)
This site is mainly in Dutch, but you can find an English version of my brief academic summary immediately below, as elsewhere a selected output.
Deze site is grotendeels in het Nederlands, de onderstaande beknopte academische résumé is een uitzondering, alsook elders een geselecteerde output.
Ik herbouw hier stelselmatig (een kritische greep uit) mijn oude weblog aycaramba.be, die om copyright-redenen offline is.
Daarnaast laat ik af en toe nieuw materiaal los, de wijsheid indachtig dat spreken zilver is. Meest recente posts:
- Microrationaliteit (06/02/2019)
- Kleine ode aan Koen Raes (22/03/2018)
- Je ne peux plus perdre (24/10/2017)
- In the engine room (24/10/2017)
- Ascension Parish Cemetery (01/12/2015)
- Andermaal nooit meer? (08/08/2015)
- Eens het afval geruimd (12/06/2015)
- Wegcode (22/01/2015)
- Niet iedereen behagen (08/01/2015)
Affiliations & addresses
- Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Centre for Logic and Philosophy of Science (CLPS)
Pleinlaan 2 – Room 5C455
B-1050 Brussels – Belgium - t: @bartvankerkhove – e: bvkerkho|at|vub|dt|ac|dt|be
- live chat on request: bvkerkho@mac.com via AIM – vankerkhovebart via Skype
- profiles: academia.edu – linkedin – facebook – researchgate.net
- other affiliations: Universiteit Hasselt & Communications Dept
- Philosophy of mathematics (LW-HARP, MA, 2nd term)
- Philosophy of science (UHasselt-WET, BA3, 1st term)
- Economics (ES-SCOM, BA1, 2nd term)
- Logic and philosophy of science (LW-HARP, BA1, 1st & 2nd term)
- Themes from analytic philosophy (LW-HARP, BA2, 2nd term)
- Environmental ethics (UHasselt-WET, MA, 2nd term)
Selected memberships & projects
- PhiMSAMP – International research network on mathematical practice (founding member 2004-2010)
- Mathematical Reviews (reviewer 2006-2018)
- National Centre for Research in Logic (fellow since 2006, secretary 2009-2014, vice-president since 2014)
- Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (fellow since 2006)
- Belgian Society for Logic and Philosophy of Science (president 2009-2014, secretary since 2014)
- Association for the Philosophy of Mathematical Practice (fellow since 2009, board member since 2014, secretary 2016-2020)
- Logique et Analyse – ISI indexed quarterly (editorial secretary 2001-2009, collecting editor since 2010)
- Logic and Philosophy of Mathematics – VUB Strategic Research Project 22 (group leader 2013-2017)
- Research Foundation Flanders – Expert Panel Philosophy and Ethics (member 2015-2020)
(this page last updated 18 Jun 2020)